Monthly Archives: July 2012

Monster Dog Makeover Update.

     The Monster Dog Makeover contest has ended and the winner is Comet Guy. Comet is a small white Bichon mix that was rescued only months ago. When Comet first came toPetSafeVillagefor training he knew very little and would seldom obey. He was very afraid of new people and dogs and was very nervous. Because the training program is a total behavior makeover, these issues and more have been addressed.

     Comet started his training two weeks ago and has come a long way. In addition to learning all of the training commands, Comet has also been involved in out Tiny Tots daycamp. This has really helped Comet overcome his anxiety with other dogs. He has also gotten much better with new people because he is around many new people everyday. Special thanks go out to everyone here at PetSafe who have helped me with Comet and allowed him to make a vast improvement.

     If you know anyone who has a dog that can benefit from a total behavior makeover feel free to recommend them to the training program. From unruly, uncontrollable dogs to those who need a confidence boost, the unleashed program can really make a difference in your dog’s behavior.

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Posted by on July 10, 2012 in Uncategorized